1910_01_Landscape Near Figueras, 1910
1913_01_Vilabertrin, 1913
1914_01_Fiesta in Figueres, 1914-16
1914_02_Dutch Interior, 1914
1914_03_Landscape Near Ampurdan, circa 1914
1916_01_Landscape, circa 1916
1916_04_Untitled - Landscape with Animals, circa 1916
1917_01_View of CadaquNs with Shadow of Mount Pani, 1917
1917_02_Crepuscular Old Man, 1917-18
1917_04_CadaquNs, circa 1917
1918_01_Still Life, 1918
1918_02_Portrait of Lucia (Retrato de Lucia), circa 1918
1918_03_Boat, circa 1918
1918_04_Hort del Llane, 1918-19
1918_05_Playa Port Alguer from Riba d’en Pitxot, 1918-19
1918_06_PortdoguN, 1918-19
1918_07_Punta es Baluard de la Riba d’en Pitxot, 1918-19
1918_08_Port of CadaquNs (Night), 1918-19
1918_10_Duck, 1918
1918_12_Sea View, 1918-19
1918_13_Vilabertrin Church Tower, 1918-19
1918_14_Playa Port Alguer De La Riba, D'en Pitxot, 1918-19
1919_01_Portrait of Hortensia, Peasant Woman of CadaquNs, circa 1919
1919_02_Self-Portrait in the Studio, 1919
1919_03_The Tartan 'El Son', circa 1919
1919_05_Landscape (CadaquNs), 1919-20
1919_07_Portrait of Mr. Pancraci, circa 1919
1919_08_Portrait of a Gipsy, 1919
1919_09_Es Pianc, circa 1919
1919_11_The Three Pines, 1919
1919_12_The Port of CadaquNs, circa 1919
1919_13_LlanN Beach, CadaquNs, 1919
1919_14_Port DoguN - CadaquNs, 1919
1919_16_Es Poal - Pianque, 1919-20
1919_17_My Cousin Montserrat, 1919-20
1919_18_Orchard at LlanN (CadaquNs), 1919-20
1919_19_Still Life; Pomegranates, circa 1919
1920_01_View of PortdoguN (Port Aluger), 1920
1920_02_The Lake at Vilabertran, circa 1920
1920_03_Calanque Jonculs (Cadaqus), 1920
1920_04_Landscape, circa 1920
1920_05_Tieta, circa 1920
1920_06_Portrait of the Violoncellist Ricardo Pichot, 1920
1920_07_Portrait of Jose M. Torres, circa 1920
1920_09_View of CadaquNs from Playa Poal, 1920
1920_10_Two Gypsy Lads, 1920-21
1920_11_Saltimbanques, 1920-21
1920_14_The Garden of Llaner, 1920-21
1920_15_Small Rocky Bay of Nans (CadaquNs), 1920-21